शुक्रवार, 22 जुलाई 2016

||Bhairaivi Saadhna||

||Bhairaivi Saadhna||
Way to the seventh floor (to reach divine or god)
Serpent power or kundalini shakti
Desire gives birth to the senses , sentiments or attitude and these senses control all the kundalini chakra in the body.
But how??
The birth of desire or our wishes are according to instructions by our five senses and each chakra has his own properties and sentiment to which the particular kundali get active.
As you devoted yourself with God, with guru or even with any divine power it will absorb all the energy from all chakras and make it transferred to Shastarar chakra, which create reclusion in you and will take you away from the society or socialization, because the only one energy is within you and in which chakra this energy will reach or transferred the same properties will born in you, and your nature will vary according to the properties of the chakras.
"In this process there is no God's will and it is often that human always impose things on God."
And in opposite manner if you feel some desire to see a woman or looks at a woman,you want to full fil this intense desire, that time your mulaadhar chakra which is just opposite to sahastrar chakra will active intensely, on that time your whole energy will moved to mulaadhar chakra and rest of the chakras will be deactivated.
Kalyug is the era of kaali, means muladhaar is kaali and we arouse this energy easily in today's world because there is a big change in dressing sense of woman so mulaadhar chakra constantly activate and deactivate. For this reason so many religion banned woman's for special dressing or for their make over, even those women don't know that it will impacting the social structure.
Similarly when you feel love for some one and your senses get changes in true love, that time your purity chakra (vishudh chakra) and by the sense of lust your mulaadhar chakra will activate. There is a big difference in "Love and Lust."
In the same manner if you begin to assume knowledge of the scriptures and preaches , watching television and read the decree on that time your Aagya chakra will activate..that is the reason " who read will not operate, who operate will not read."
In this whole process it is more easy to arouse the mulaadhar chakra by the passion of lust. This is the bhairaivi saadhna tantra. In this saadhna it's not a necessity to get physical or sexsual involvement because if you get in any physical relationship your whole energy you collect will go into the trough and you will get nothing. If we convert the emotions and senses with the intense energy of mulaadhar chakra into another chakra it will activated that chakra in the very simple and dynamic way. As you imagine the woman with lust and intense the energy and on last movement if you transferred or you meditate to the divine power you find the whole energy of mulaadhar chakra in the same passion it activated the Shastrar chakra and muladhaar chakra become silent. In this process there is only the imagination, and senses of lust and desire. That's why the reason- " woman is the power" where is love there is no lust and where is lust there is no love.
Remember whatever the floor is 7th or 700th to reach there you have to pass(ground floor) from the beginning and if somebody says I want to reach 7th floor to divine power but will not start from the first step or beginning, I feel it's his own stupidity.
Now the important discussion is that if from the childhood we mould our children for the divine God than how his rest of the chakras will activated, which is oftenly seen in india, by knowing this knowledge all the scholars and masters trying to make impotent to our country India. According to these scholars and masters all these are useless, specially sexsual sense or desire they say these are abusive and false, because they know if sexsual desire arrise than who will be there to listen there preaches, and incase if the sexual desire or sense is a big sin that means we all are the children of sinners, even the person who is having this thinking too.
Actual devotee and saint is the person who transferred his energy according to his wishes, he is able to rotate or migrate his energy to each and every chakra as we using the lift or escalator for floor to floor.
Similarly we are also having seven floors in our body -from Sahastrar to Mulaadhar, celibate always lives on the top floor and sensual in perineum.
According to me and in my opinion family man or house hold person is the real saint or devotee.
"Who is not the participant,how he will be the winner."
These properties which have been discussed, is same for both man and woman.
The post I written is on the basis of my own intelligence, knowledge and experience for public welfare, my purpose is not to insult anyone and nobody is bound to acknowledge the post. What I feel I write.An unknown energy or power with in me give these estimations and I am merely compilation of those thoughts you are not obliged to accept it.
🚩🚩🚩जयश्री महाँकाल 🚩🚩🚩
Kawley rahulnaath osgy
इस प्रकार की अन्य जानकारी प्राप्त करने हेतु हमारे पेज को लाइक कर हमसे जुड़े।हमारी पेज लिंक:-
इस लेख में लिखे गए सभी नियम,सूत्र,तथ्य हमारी निजी अनुभूतियो के स्तर पर है।विश्व में कही भी,किसी भी भाषा में ये सभी इस रूप में उपलब्ध नहीं है।अत:इस लेख में वर्णित सभी नियम ,सूत्र एवं व्याख्याए हमारी मौलिक संपत्ति है। किन्ही स्थानों में शास्त्रीय एवं ज्ञान वर्धक साहित्य का उपयोग आवश्यकतानुसार किया गया है।मेरे लेखो को पढने के बाद पाठक उसे माने ,इसके लिए वे बाध्य नहीं है।इसकी किसी भी प्रकार से चोरी,कॉप़ी-पेस्टिंग आदि में शोध का अतिलंघन समझा जाएगा और उस व्यक्ति पे वैधानिक कार्यवाही की जायेगी।

चेतावनी-हमारे हर लेख का उद्देश्य केवल प्रस्तुत विषय से संबंधित जानकारी प्रदान करना है लेख को पढ़कर कोई भी प्रयोग बिना मार्ग दर्शन के न करे ।क्योकि हमारा उद्देश्य केवल विषय से परिचित कराना है। किसी गंभीर रोग अथवा उसके निदान की दशा में अपने योग्य विशेषज्ञ से अवश्य परामर्श ले। साधको को चेतावनी दी जाती है की वे बिना किसी योग्य व सफ़ल गुरु के निर्देशन के बिना साधनाए ना करे। अन्यथा प्राण हानि भी संभव है। यह केवल सुचना ही नहीं चेतावनी भी है।)

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